Frequently asked Questions (Q&A)
Basic system information
How does the LogHub system work?
LogHub is a fully autonomous, wireless logger system with a battery life of at least 2 years, which displays and automatically records temperature and humidity in real time, archives reports, sends alarms and open door alerts.
What are the advantages of the LogHub system compared to classic measurement?
The biggest advantage is that the whole process will be automatic and you won’t have to worry about anything. After the initial configuration of the system, no intervention is needed. You will also get detailed data about your operation. The system provides statistics, notifications, report generation, graphical representation of data and a number of other functions. The possibility of remote control is also a big advantage. With our system, it doesn’t matter where you are. Information about your operation is available in a few clicks.
Internet connection and data security
How to connect to Wi-Fi?
The central unit checks for an active Internet connection immediately after startup. If unavailable, it creates its own configuration Wi-Fi network called LogHub. To connect to this Wi-Fi network via your phone or computer, you need to enter the password, which is located on the label of the Central Unit. After connecting to the LogHub Wi-Fi network, your device will automatically prompt you to complete configuration shortly after. If this does not happen, use the Internet browser on your device and navigate to This page includes a form for connecting to your Wi-Fi network (you must be connected to the LogHub Wi-Fi network to see the form). You need to select your Wi-Fi network from the list and enter its password. After confirmation, the form will automatically disappear and your device will be disconnected from the LogHub Wi-Fi network. If you have entered the correct password for your network, the central unit will start communicating with the system. Now you can register your central unit in the web application.
Is it possible to connect LogHub to any wifi network?
The central unit supports only the latest WPA2 Wi-Fi network authentication. If you use WEP Wi-Fi network security, we recommend you change the setting to WPA2 or get a new Wi-Fi router. WEP security is outdated, easily breached and poses a security risk to your network and your data.
What if there is no Internet connection in the premises where I want to place the system?
Unfortunately, we do not provide an Internet connection service, but we can advise you on the technical parameters your connection needs to meet. You will then be responsible for selecting your ISP and the installation itself. There is also an alternative method of connection, which does not require Internet connection (please contact us for details at
How do I know if my wifi uses WPA2 security?
One indication can be the length of your password. If you use a 10-character password consisting of numbers and possibly letters A to F, you are most likely using old WEP security, which has not been recommended since 2004. The best way to find out is to log into the settings of your Wi-Fi router.
Where is the data located, how is it protected?
R-DAS, s.r.o. considers data security to be one of the most important features of the system. Our company holds ISO 9001 and ISO 27001 certificates. Our servers are under constant monitoring, contain the latest updates and are regularly backed up.
How much data do the devices transmit over the Wi-Fi network?
The amount of data transferred when using our system is negligible even on Internet connections with a data limit. One record is approximately 0.35KB in size.
The total transferred volume of data depends on the number of loggers, central units, as well as the configuration of the measurement itself.
By default, data is sent over the network every 5 minutes. If you were to use one central unit with three loggers, about 0.5MB per day would be sent over your network, including service data.
In 30 days, with such a configuration, it would be 15MB (and we calculated this with a fairly large reserve).
You can transfer 15MB of data if:
- 10 times check the weather on
- 6-8 times you search for something via
- You visit the site 3 times
- Opening one page on Facebook transfers more than 25MB
What benefits does LogHub offer compared to regular temperature measurement and „manual“ recording?
The biggest advantage is that the whole process is automated and you don’t have to manage it in any way. After the initial configuration of the system, no intervention is needed. You will also get detailed data about your operation. The system provides statistics, notifications, report generation, graphical representation of data and many other functions.
The possibility of remote control is also a big advantage. Our system is accessible from anywhere. You can get information about your operation in a few clicks.
What types of data/information will the system provide?
Our system provides a detailed overview of measured data for the last 7 days, where you can see all measured data from this period. All data is archived and available to you in the form of reports.
Is the LogHub solution capable of measuring temperatures in refrigerated spaces and in standard racks at the same time?
Yes, you can also place the logger in a refrigerator or freezer with a minimum temperature of no lower than -20°C.
What devices can be used to connect to the system?
Any device with a web browser and Internet access. This can be a PC, tablet, or a mobile device. Your data is accessed through the web application, which is also adapted for mobile devices.
Can the system also handle unexpected situations such as replacing / cleaning the refrigerator?
Yes it is. Each value in the reports can be assigned a so-called annotation. Annotation is a text note for a given value, where it is possible to explain a possibly deviated value.
What is a report?
All data is automatically archived in the system and remains accessible in the form of reports. A report contains processed data, statistics for each measuring point separately and also a simple list of measured points for a given protocol with the possibility of annotation. The report is user-configurable. Currently, the system can record a value for a specific time point or an average value for a selected measurement step (from minutes to days).
If we need to archive monthly reports in a printed form, does the system support report printing?
Yes, the system includes an option to export the log for the selected month in PDF or CSV, which you can then easily print. The protocol also contains a chart of values, simple statistics and a table with individual values, recording time and annotations.
Is the LogHub solution resistant to power outages or Internet connection failure?
In case of Internet connection interruption, the measured values are not lost. When the connection is re-established, the central unit will send them to the server.
In the event of a power failure, the loggers continue to record the measured values.
Attention! In case of longer outages (hours to days), the system is not able to generate warnings for exceeding the set temperature limits.
Can I install the application on my device (mobile phone, computer)?
Yes, after opening the application at, you will be offered to save it to your device (see photo). You can then open the application via the icon on the home screen of your device. This functionality is supported by:
- Desktop browsers for Windows 10 (Chrome, Edge, Opera)
- Android mobile devices
- Mobile devices with iOS
- The Firefox browser does not support this functionality.
For what period will the time and temperature data recorded by individual loggers be archived in the cloud?
The data is available to you during the entire period of using the system. The length of their further storage depends on the program you choose, but it is at least 3 years. For archiving outside the LogHub system, data can be exported to PDF or CSV.
How will I be notified if the set storage temperature limits are exceeded?
By email, notification in the application, SMS and we plan to add a ringtone to the phone.
Currently, in the warehouse, we only record one value per day in the log, and that’s fine with us. Can this system work the same?
Yes, the Loghub system can fully automate this process as well. Just set the time of day you want to record the value in the log, and the system will save only one value for you at a given time of day. At the same time, however, you will not lose the functionality of the border crossing notification functionality, as these are separate functions of the application.
I don’t want to receive notifications, I just want to automate the process of filling out the log.
All notifications are completely under your control. This means that you decide for which event you want to receive a notification and in what form you want to be notified (emails, notification, sms, call).
Our warehouse is larger than the standard warehouses of ordinary pharmacies. Will this system work even in such conditions?
Yes. The system itself is not limited by the size of the space. The only limitation is the signal range. Each logger must be able to communicate with the central unit. This problem can often be solved by choosing a suitable location of the central unit. The maximum distance between the logger and the central unit depends on the type of building, the floor plan of the premises and their equipment. In general, it can be said that this distance should not be more than 5 to 8 meters. If the connection is not stable, the problem can be solved by placing several central units in the warehouse. Such an installation is solved individually according to the specific situation.
If we expand the warehouse during operation, is it possible to add more loggers?
Yes. The entire system is designed in such a way that it is possible to add and remove loggers according to the customer’s needs without any problems.
I am interested in monitoring the current situation of the warehouse and I do not need the log for the previous months.
The system provides all customers with a detailed overview of the current and past situation. In this case, you will only use the part of the system that displays information and data for the last week and also the main menu (dashboard), where you can find the last measured values and notifications. You can set limit values, and if they are exceeded, the system will automatically notify you. You can already set the subsequent creation of reports according to your needs.
In our company, several employees are responsible for storage areas. Isn’t that a problem?
The system supports a common organizational structure. After creating a company profile and registering, your account will get the rights to configure the entire system. Subsequently, you can easily invite other employees to cooperate (via email). Employees will be able to check the measured data, but the configuration itself is always up to you. This way you can be sure that no unauthorized person will “mess up” your system.
Can I measure the temperature at the same time in the refrigerated and in the regular shelf?
Yes, you can also place the logger in a refrigerator or freezer, which has a minimum temperature of no lower than -20°C.
Is LogHub a full replacement for current thermometers that ŠUKL recognizes as a regulator and will not require additional parallel storage temperature records?
Yes, the LogHub solution is a full replacement for the conventional process of measuring and logging storage temperature of drugs. Each logger is individually calibrated.
Does the installation require a technical expert, or can a „layman“ handle the installation following the instructions?
A technical expert is not required to install the product. The initialization process is designed in a way that a regular user (with average technical experience) can handle it.
Do you provide support for the installation or operation of the LogHub solution if needed?
Yes, we are fully at your disposal. In case of questions or problems, you can contact us at
Where can the loggers be placed?
In any place where you need to monitor temperature (refrigerator, warehouse, dispensary / office, laboratory, etc.). You can adjust their position within the room or refrigerator according to your requirements. In principle, they should be where you store temperature-sensitive goods.
How many loggers will I need?
Loggers serve as a replacement for your existing thermometers. So if you currently need 3 thermometers, you will also need 3 loggers, etc.
Temperature mapping
What is temperature mapping?
Temperature mapping is a validation of the operation that it meets the conditions for operation and storage. Temperature mapping will help you discover critical places in your warehouse. Thanks to temperature mapping, the operator of the storage premises is sure that the premises are suitable for storing the specified goods and that the environmental conditions can be maintained within the specified limits or criteria during operation.
Do you offer a temperature mapping service?
Yes, we provide temperature mapping as a service. For more information, contact us in writing at or by phone at tel. number +421 940 640 004.