

Temperature mapping

Identify critical points in your warehouse. Ensure that your premises are suitable for storing the intended goods and keep environmental conditions under control.

easy installation
fast and wireless
no modifications to cooling equipment

easy installation
fast and wireless
no modifications to cooling equipment

automated monitoring
24 hours a day / 365 days a year
no risk of human error

continuous data access
cell phone management system
prompt response

developed in-house
certified by an accredited laboratory

developed in-house
certified by an accredited laboratory

trouble-free operation
automatic recalibration
technical support and service

low-power devices
ecologically recyclable
reduced energy consumption

Temperature mapping in drug distribution is mandatory!

Temperature mapping is mandatory according to the decree of the Ministry of Health of the Slovak Republic on requirements for proper wholesale distribution practice for drug distributors*. Although the law has been in force since 2012, regulators have not actively required temperature mapping for existing facilities so far. Currently, in case of absence of temperature mapping during the inspection, the regulator will request the mapping and the development of related documentation additionally. Temperature mapping is necessary not only in warehouses, but also in distribution during transportation. In addition to storage areas, mapping of cooling and freezing boxes is also required. In the pharmaceutical industry, temperature mapping is also required by authorities, standards and regulations such as EMA, FDA and GSP / GDP / GMP / GLP. Output documentation from temperature mapping, protocols and reports can be aligned with common procedures, processes and standards according to customer requirements.

*Decree of Ministry of Health of Slovak Republic No. 128/2012 Coll. of March, 21 2012 on requirements for good manufacturing practice and good wholesale distribution practice”

Temperature mapping can help you identify critical points in your warehouse. Temperature mapping helps operators of storage facilities ensure that the premises are suitable for storing the intended goods and that environmental conditions can be maintained within the specified limits or criteria during operation.
Temperature mapping is especially important for temperature-sensitive goods with a narrow stability interval. Mapping can be carried out with different parameters. The most common are temperature or humidity, but any other required parameters can be mapped as well. R-DAS provides a temperature mapping service for both newly-established and existing operations, mainly warehouses.
Mapping is carried out by temporarily installing a network of LogHub sensors for a period of several days to weeks. The data is immediately available online for potential adjustments of the sensor network.
The sensors are wireless and can be moved to a different location at any time to check the conditions in any spot. The layout of many warehouses changes according to the current operation and the nature of the materials stored. With LogHub, you can adapt to this change literally in a few seconds without any interruption to your monitoring.
Temperature mapping provides documented records of suitability for the premises in relation to the activities carried out and the goods stored there.

System requirements

The only requirement for the system is Internet connection and a dedicated electrical outlet. Internet connection can be included in the service, if necessary.

Internet connection

One electrical socket

What is included in the temperature mapping service?


We approach each customer individually.Our proposed solution is adapted to the specific needs of each customer, therefore the service offer includes an individual price calculation. After receiving a request for temperature mapping, a personal inspection of the premises usually follows. Normal operation should be ensured during the mapping, and the warehouse should be approximately at 60% capacity. If the customer can provide appropriate documentation of their storage areas, conditions, processes, or an environmental monitoring system is already deployed in the premises, it is possible to prepare an approximate offer even without a personal inspection. If multiple temperature mapping sessions are needed (seasonal, cyclical, other), we provide significant discounts for subsequent mapping.
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